2012년 6월 3일 일요일

12. Pull Up

This exercise aims to get Latissimus Dorsi bigger. Latissimus Dorsi is the part which looks like a wing when you contract and stretch your back. It also makes your back look like a reversion triangle.
Additionally, pull up also uses for warming up before you do core back exercises.

Firstly, pull up is grasped with an overhand/underhand/alternative-hand grip.
Secondly, the body is pulled up until the chin clears the bar and finished by lowering the body until arms and shoulders are fully extended.
Repeat this motion slowly 4sets and each sets for at least more than 8 times.
When you feel that your back is pumping up, you're ready to do next exercise.

댓글 3개:

  1. I am barely able to do this exercise 4-5 times.
    It is so hard!!
    How many times can you do without others help at once?

  2. It is tough but you should try.. haha
    I can pull up 15 times at once for the first time.
